The Fair Go Dairy Feed Pad, is a specifically designed feeding system for dairy farms, with enormous benifits for the dairy farmer. When most people think of feed pads they think of enormous set ups with enough space for all their stock. But do you need a set of tit cups for every cow? Of course not. With the Fair Go Dairy Feed Pad, you can have an even further saving of time and labour. Most farmers milk their cows then take them to feed, with the Feed Pad you can feed and milk your herd in batches allowing you to do both of those jobs in half the time. No wastage of feed also means filling the Feed Pad less often.
What this means for you:
This Feed Pad is much shorter, smaller and less expensive than you think…as little as $20-$40 per cow!
Things to know:
The FAIR GO DAIRY FEED PAD provides a system where feeding takes only 20-30 minutes every 3 days. You can fill with whole rolls, big square bales or whole Fel’s full. There is no need for feed-out carts or silage wagons and tractors are not tied up. You don’t need to drive down lanes, through gateways and across pastures, drastically reducing waste and mud to almost none.
There isn’t any bossing or bullying. A FAIR GO for every cow and extra for tailenders. You can feed the same way whether the cows need hay, silage or straw to boost or balance their ration. You also make sure every cow is getting a fair ration and a controlled amount of fibre after every milking and still keep pasture the focus of the farm. This all leads to better production, better butterfat tests, better utilisation of your grain and lush pasture, better conception rates and retention rates, less acidosis and fewer foot problems.
A “Waste-Not” FAIR GO DAIRY FEED PAD means you can grow more pasture and have better utilisation of your pasture, and that is a major reason for putting in the Feed Pad! The Feed Pad solves more than just pasture damage and mud. It allows you to put sacrifice paddocks and the calving paddock back into the milkers rotation. This eliminates both over grazing and the need to graze early growth pasture to soon. You can manage your pasture from the pasture’s point of view without the cows suffering.
Cost saving, Labour saving, Stock saving. Efficent, safe and wholely Australian made and supported.
Saves You Money
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